Bored 17 year old

My son is 17 and Is the most beautiful kindest soul you would ever meet. As he's getting older he's losing all interest in mixing with the outside world, this upsets me as he is a very sociable person but struggles with groups and anxieties. He has no friends and sits in every weekend with me and his Dad, I see people he's grew up with and treasured as friends going out and enjoying themselves but never think to ask him out or get in touch even though we have tried to get in touch with them . I can see he's getting lower and lower in mood and it worries me for his future, tried the local support group but it wasn't for him ... anyone got any ideas on how to get him out of his room x 

Parents Reply
  • My thinking is, if he's said he's bored, then remind him it's his responsibility to occupy himself not anybody else's!  But also, encourage him to pursue his interests.  Or if he doesn't have any, to try and find some.  The reason interests are so important is that with ASD it's often easier to start socialising with people who you share interests with.

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