Struggles with sleeping for children with autism

Hi my name is Antonella, I am a product design student currently in year 13 doing my A levels. 

I am currently working on a design project to help support families with children on the ASD spectrum specifically relating to their night time routines, such as being able to settle down to  sleep independently and thereby the whole family can benefit from a product that can improve this routine. This is a project that is very personal to me and my home life as I have a younger sibling who has long been diagnosed with autism. I would really appreciate it if you could take the time out of your day to answer a few of my questions so that I can gather as much information to inform my decision on what I may want to develop throughout my project.  

I would really appreciate if you could comment on what helps your child sleep or what problems you think your child tackles that causes them to not sleep. 

Any feedback; support and help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi 

    My daughter is 7 with undiagnosed asd, her sleep has always been a problem started at 2 with horrific night terrors thankfully she out grew these however she still only sleeps for 3-5 hours per night and not all at once. Unfortunately I can really give much insight into what works have lost count of the different things we have tried. The only thing that will make her stay still in bed and eventually fall asleep is laying in my bed curled up on me while I stroke her hair. As soon as I move she is awake again it has had a really negative impact on my family as her dad now has to sleep on sofa.

    I wish you all the best with you project as sometimes the best ideas can come from things like this 

  • Hi

    Thank you so much for telling me an insight of your night routine with your daughter. My mum has the same problem with my brother, he refuses to sleep alone without my mum in the bed to cuddle with him.

    You have helped me a lot on my journey with my project. Thank you again :)

  • That's fine sorry I couldn't be more help, but it is nice to know I'm not the only one having that issue 

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