Can anyone help?

hi there I’m new to the group:)

my 9 year old daughter was recently referred to camhs after me noticing asd traits 

she has been for her 1st initial assessment a few weeks ago and I’ve had a letter back saying my daughter will now be referred for PAD assesment? 

Can anyone tell me what this means? It’s definitely not PDA on the letter which someone thought could be spelling error! 

Hope someone can help:) 


  • she has been for her 1st initial assessment a few weeks ago and I’ve had a letter back saying my daughter will now be referred for PAD assesment? 

    Greetings. I am very pedantic... thus I find this Question to be strange, and the answers given so far to be also strange. But it is the Friday now, and so probably this advice cannot be followed (during weekends):

    Whoever sent you the letter, simply phone (or EMail) them back and ask them exactly what they meant...?! Quote all names or reference numbers, and persist until you get an answer. If it is not far away from you, then just go back and show them the letter. There is no shame in that.

  • Practice for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder or

    Panel for Autistic Diagnosis

    Would the traits you have noticed point to pda?

    Manchester seems to have an active community going, perhaps you could ask parents in there if it means a panel of its a typo? 

  • we live in Manchester? Maybe your right about pda and maybe it’s a typo error?

  • Someone said could it possibly be panel for autistic diagnosis but when I google it nothing comes up?

  • Anything relating to PAD for autism (PAD team, PAD Co-ordinator), seems to only be in Wales, so maybe something exclusive to there?

  • this looks more likely: Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) is one of the profiles present in some individuals on the autism spectrum, it would usually be identified during or following an assessment for an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

  • Hi, welcome to the group.  Sounds like it could be a typo, as PAD is Peripheral artery disease. 

    Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a condition of the blood vessels that supply the legs and feet. It leads to narrowing and hardening of the arteries. This causes decreased blood flow, which can injure nerves and other tissues.