i really need some advice on High functioning aspergers please

I have a 19 yr old daughter whom I think may have HFA. There have been many quirks to her personality over the years, but most importantly and disabling is her inability to manage social situations. She has lost all but two friends from her school and college years, she tried to start uni this year, and this resulted in one panic/meltdown when she tried to move into her student digs. We came home and she continued to insist she would go, but a week later after attempting the first day she had another almighty panic/ meltdown. We brought her home, there has been no backlash to this, no emotion, disappointment, frustration anything!!! i truly believe she does not know how to understand herself and her feelings, as there was little conversation about going away, just a build up of anxiety a few weeks before ( but this was only evident by a few panic attacks). She has been put on AD for her anxiety, she watched the Chris Packham docu, and told me two days later that she felt she connected with everything he spoke about. I did my research, and feel she has many traits and the GP asked her to complete a questionnaire.We go back to GP tomorrow, and I'm just lost as to how to pursue this? It's all very new to me, and im worried the GP may dismiss our concerns as we have never raised any issues beforehand. to be honest, I thought many of her traits were things she may just grow out of, or gain confidence once at uni??? is there anything i should be doing that i simply don't know about, anyone out there on this forum who has had a similar experience? if someone thinks we are barking up the wrong tree , please say. The GP test was a score of 40/50 autism spectrum quotient test. Thank you


  • I have recently done this whole A.S. test thing and went from 32 denial to about 45 honest. I am 51 and I am finding it a gradual process to adjust all my thinking and behaviours but it is worthwhile as I have at last found peace and mental order. I have done the G.P. bit and I am awaiting assessment. The 50 questions can provide structure to help one adjust to what one is anyway. Your daughter needs to come to terms with this situation and this condition. that's hard because society programmes you into normal thinking. get the book by An Adult with an Autism Diagnosis Gillan Drew (Author) . I found this book wow. But the most important thing is your daughter has to own the condition and her new life because this condition shapes the way you think and behave and there is no escape from that. the reaction of society is mostly not positive either. So use your parent skills to coach her into the path that she finds is right for her. Each person has their own Aspergers skin. Your daughter has to find hers. Educate yourself and then work with your daughter at her pace. Society in general does not deal with this at all because there is an overwhelming urge to conform and fit in. There are no easy answers and no quick solutions as life is a journey. Assessment and diagnosis is simply the beginning of something new.

  • Thanks for the book recommendation. I will look out for this.

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