Special Interests

I don't mind calling an obsession an obsession if it occupies every waking hour of my day, though it seems to be increasingly un-PC and now we talk about 'special interests.' All that aside, what's everyone interested in?

For me as a child it was dinosaurs, then Ancient Egypt and then Pokemon, in that order.

  • Glad I found this thread as I was going to post something similar.

    I find I have a few key interests that remain long-term with a few short term intense ones that vary.

    Long-term interests are:

     - rabbits

     - collecting and analysing personal data (weight, steps, miles covered etc.)

     - motorbikes and cars

     - nutrition and food

    Current short term ones are:

     - planners

     - architecture

     - All music by Gary Numan

     - search engine optimisation

     - environmental technology (wind farms, solar, smart grids) although this is becoming more of a long-term interest

    Does anyone else find they have short term very intense 'obsessions/interests' in particular things?  For me these can last anything from a couple of weeks to months, but I find I have to know everything about it and completely exhaust it before I can move on to the next interest.

  • I am a long term Numan fan, so I am with you on this - very pleased to see how his new album 'Savage' is doing in the indie charts.

    I subject hop a lot, but somehow I am able to tie the subjects together, if that makes any sense.

  • Yes Savage is a great album and I am seeing him at Manchester Academy next Friday so can't wait for that!

    Yes I understand how your interests link and lead onto others.  I also revisit interests as well from time to time.

  • Yes before the event was really stressful as I had problems finding the venue and got in a bit of a panic.  Managed to calm myself down which I was thankful for.  Luckily, the crowd was tame so no major pushing or shoving although I was quick to leave and get out as soon as the gig finished!  

  • Yes before the event was really stressful as I had problems finding the venue and got in a bit of a panic.  Managed to calm myself down which I was thankful for.  Luckily, the crowd was tame so no major pushing or shoving although I was quick to leave and get out as soon as the gig finished!  

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