25.9.17 A place for hefelumps & skinny beans to chat or reflect from poetry to humour to beneath the roots

For those wishing to chat about miscellaneous every day in's and out's , good morning's and goodnight's and somewhere safe to play on words or share concerns.

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi missy yes the voyage of sorts was a really good one! A true voyage of discovery,

    I have learnt to accept praise,ok mostly for doing a good job, no better feeling than our office receiving a letter from a customer saying what a wonderful person he is,and his work is not only excellent he takes the time and trouble to explain what he is doing, on top of which they specified I was to receive a bonus, now I took that praise and believe I deserved it, it made me feel appreciated.

    So when I see you or Ellie reaching out to help others and trying to help them I think that deserves praise or a compliment. I cannot see one person who wouldn't agree with that.

      At work I only praise those that join in and work with me, if I say nothing they do actually know I am not impressed, I hear about it so imagine they appreciate my kind words,most of the men I work with are self centred typical males, some are prejudice some are chauvinist some or just thick.I do know that the majority enjoy working with me, See I accept that as praise.it keeps me going in an environment I don't belong? 

    Sorry rant over,I am fatigued,happy one minute,confused the next,sad unsure.head needs damping down.

    none of that rubbish was intended to upset,just me blundering around trying to empty the mental luggage.

    sorry for spoiling the happy place.

    nite nite,sleep well,Missy I did read about your day but didn't reply as you ladies were having a good time.An awful lot going on for you,take care my dear.


  • Hope the voyage of sorts was a good one. Taxi getting later and later! We know you're special LW so will try to be graceful. Sorry but sleep dust arrived will have to be tomorrow. Have a good day tomorrow. Xx

  • Hi missy apologies for not being around much,been on a voyage of sorts.

    So I know you and Ellie are talking seriously about being praised and I am not going to try to be flippant, Can you both please accept that if I give a compliment it is from my heart? I do not go around throwing praise at just anyone I come across, you said about rejecting  compliments can hurt those who give them, yes it does hurt, I really do understand both of you and why you reject praise. I will continue to praise and compliment when I feel they are derived,

    Just trying to let you both know I don't lie or give praise for rewrd,it has to be earned.

    loving you both,sorry for telling you both off.

    nearly Friday! Yeah .

    taxi leaving,back soon.xxx()()()xxx

  • I probably do that too in a way .. not sure.. there will be reasons you do that so no it's not silly. 

    Probably a name for that! I think I read somewhere to reject a compliment hurts/ insults the person who gave it.. so at least say thank you and accept it even if we find it hard to believe especially genuine ones. Try to think of the person putting themselves out there giving the praise not that it makes your petals fold back in to hide. I don't know what to do with them either but I'm practicing! And LW if you read this we do appreciate your compliments it's just that we're not especially used to getting them and possibly you weren't either. 

  • A good rule to have..I seek compliments and praise..,but push them away when they arrive at my door xx  silly isn’t it! X

  • What a sweet thing to say....thank you xxxxxx and I love being here with you guys xx

  • Both sides of the door can't be wrong Alice. You're on the right side with us 

  • Yes sometimes it's bad sometimes it's good. I mostly grew up with the bad but somehow the good never takes it away. I won't say what I heard most of m life and still do.. when you're told good things about yourself you don't believe them .. well in my heart of hearts I don't anyway polite as I try to be accepting the compliment. I just appreciate their kindness instead.. 

  • I think you’ll find that despite all of our book worming...I am  still on the pephierary..on the outside...on the wrong side of the door...on the other side of tthe bubble...xx

  • Sad isn’t it...but the words of others can help us define and 3xplain ourselves to others xx

  • I beg to differ! You and missy have proved your worth in heaps.xx

  • Creative Geeky nerd lady is  just fine. ()() Yes I think that's what mine was too didn't work either.  Much easier to see worth in others than ourselves. xx

  • Hiding in books keeps you from people...I guess it was just part of a journey to try and prove my worthy to others....hasn’t worked yet xxx lol xxx but definitely a creative but also a geeky nerd lady 

  • You like the creativity and imagination. Yes I think I'd have liked your first degree too. Was each degree 3 years ? How do you manage all that you do and keep up with technology but I suppose CompuSlight smileng is part of technology. Anyway lots of work I hope you are proud of yourself xxSlight smile

  • Degree 1 - philosophy and English and European Literature 

    degree 2 - computing

    degree 3 - education

    Masters in Computer Games Design

    wpuld love to do a PhD.....

    my favourites...English and the masters....xxxx

  • What are your other degrees and PhD in?   Did you enjoy them all? And which was your favourite? 

  • And you on your recent graduation! penrose! My first degree was in English x