How can I help my son to deal with his emotions?

My son is 6 years old with autism. He's quite a sensitive little boy and if something doesn't go his way or doesn't like something he will just cry...just like that! He more or less cries at school on a daily basis!

So much so that some of the children in his class call him a big fat baby or cryey baby.

Just wanted some advice on how I can help him.


  • Your son cries when things are not right because he is overwhelmed and doesn't know what else to do. Give him another tool to use, one that works better than crying. Can he have a card to give to the teacher with a sad or crying face so the teacher knows he is unhappy without your son having to find words to explain? If he can do this before he gets too upset then maybe tears can be avoided and your son will learn that he can signal to others and get help before it gets so bad he can't cope. Poor mite.

  • Your son cries when things are not right because he is overwhelmed and doesn't know what else to do. Give him another tool to use, one that works better than crying. Can he have a card to give to the teacher with a sad or crying face so the teacher knows he is unhappy without your son having to find words to explain? If he can do this before he gets too upset then maybe tears can be avoided and your son will learn that he can signal to others and get help before it gets so bad he can't cope. Poor mite.

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