Visualisations of autism

My name Is Michelle and I am a student at the University of Gloucestershire, studying Illustration. My project I am doing is focusing on six different disorders/ illness's (such as autism, depression, anxiety ADHD, Bipolar and tourettes) I am focusing on autism at the moment and would greatly appreciate any help any of you can give me. I personally was born with Aspergus syndrome, so I am sympathetic to people out there like me.

Its quite hard finding people with autism to help me with this project but I was hoping some of you could. What I need is for maybe two or three of you to individually tell me what autism would be like as a creature and I'll draw it. What you picture it as. Then I will bring it back to here and show you if possible and ask if that's what you meant. I will keep doing it until you are happy with it. I can even put fake names on the research project if you are uncomfortable with having your real name or screen name shown. 

Someone please help me ^_^ thanks so much. Michelle

  • Thanks ClaireHig. So what if i made the character entirely a cat? like a cat sitting on a towel on a beach at sunset, when all the humans are packing their bags to go home? Because you said you feel like their aliens, maybe if they were a seperate species, they would be alien to a cat? i you relate to a cat I could do that? what do you think?

    Hello Vometia, thanks so much for joining our talk. How would you see autism if you have to visulize it as a creature or a scene? :) 

  • I would agree that a cat is a good metaphor; have you seen the 'Catspergers' post?

  • I tend to anthropomorphise things quite a lot.  But more usually inanimate objects rather than animals: cuddly toys being the more obvious examples, but even stuff like chairs and even random rubbish I'm throwing away.  Because random rubbish has feelings too.  Possibly.

    I love the look of a colourful sunset, though I'm not sure that's really my favourite time of day.  I think I actually prefer early morning on a summer's day: bright and cheerful before the day has had a chance to get stagnant and soupy, and before everyone else has woken up enough for it to feel busy.  I also love beaches, and spent many happy days in my childhood on nearby South Shields beach when I was growing up getting sunburnt and sand in my ice cream and my undies, though the weather is more often foul and scary.  Though still lovely if you're watching it from the cosiness of somewhere warm with a sea view!

  • artist just popping in said:

    Thanks so much for your message ClaireHigs! I find it really interesting reading peoples experiences and interpretations of these type of things. So i I were to draw a situation, would having an anthropromorphic cat sunbathing under the moon at night on a beach with a reflector, suit your idea more? With the relevance explained underneath. Or would you rather somthing else?  

    I think my favourite time is more sunset than night actually. When there's enough light to see, but it's not sunny. My favourite artist is Thomas Kinkade because of this, as he painted light but often from the perspective of being in shade. I like it when the sky is red/orange with hues of pink/blue. I don't leave my home now. But my ideal outdoor experience would be a quiet beach at sunset. I don't know about a morphed cat/human. As when people humanize animals I tend to get annoyed, because I see animals as better than people. And I find it offensive to the animal. But it's up to you.

  • Thanks so much for your message ClaireHigs! I find it really interesting reading peoples experiences and interpretations of these type of things. So i I were to draw a situation, would having an anthropromorphic cat sunbathing under the moon at night on a beach with a reflector, suit your idea more? With the relevance explained underneath. Or would you rather somthing else?  :)

  • artist just popping in said:

    I didnt mean it in a bad way ClaireHig - I meant whether you see it as a companion or whether you see it as an ailment. Its intirely individual. I didnt set out to offend people - I am perfectly happy myself with my Aspergus so I'm not saying its a bad thing at all. 

    As for your post I'llneverbeold would you say it would be suitable if I drew a person walking down a street but everyone else is coloured in and solid, wheres the person in the centre frame is scribbly, like a rough drawing? like they havent been coloured in yet? More of a surreal situation than a creature? 

    Sorry I'm a bit over sensitive due to the state seemingly trying to kill off anyone who has less potential to become a high earner or who will stay dependent. It seems it's only a matter of time until a foetal test becomes available & we all get aborted before birth under the so called 'quality of life' excuse.

    I don't think autism can be drawn. My life is like I'm living on a planet with people who look like me but are aliens. As they seem to have totally different environmental needs than me. For example they flock to the beach to sun bathe. I hate the sun. I admit it's useful to be able to see & grow plants. Sometimes it can be beautiful. But I see it as the big burning nuclear ball it is. Just going out in daylight in winter I can feel it on my skin & I hate the feeling. I would draw me sunbathing in the evening night as that's what makes me feel good. When people say isn't it lovely & sunny, I want to say no I wish it was dark & snowing.

    When I see people talking, I want to put them in that police style one sided mirror glass. Where they can't see me, but I can see them only if I choose & I don't have to hear them. I don't hate my ASD as I've never known any other life. I don't take a negative view of my ASD in feeling that I'm broken, I take the view that I'm normal but living with aliens.

    I think I most relate to a cat. I had a cat as a child & can relate to only wanting attention on my own terms. Which is not very often. I like to keep to myself. I don't like loud noises. And I don't like looking people in the eye. My cat used to squint/blink at me sometimes as a sign of trust/contentment, but he rarely looked me directly in the eye. I found his presence & similar needs as me quite comforting. Strangely my daughters favourite animal is a cat too.

  • Only if you see it that way - it like having a patronus from Harry Potter - I want to see different peoples interpretations of a general area. I am aware there are many different scales of the spectrum but it is purely to see how people manifest their disoders or illnesses into physical things.  Whether you see it as a friendly thing or not. Are you familiar with Toby Allen's work?

  • I agree entirely. Could you please look below your comments for my reply because im new at using this and have just realized I can reply to people on here like this XD sorry 

  • I agree entirely. Could you please look below your comments for my reply because im new at using this and have just realized I can reply to people on here like this XD sorry 

  • I didnt mean it in a bad way ClaireHig - I meant whether you see it as a companion or whether you see it as an ailment. Its intirely individual. I didnt set out to offend people - I am perfectly happy myself with my Aspergus so I'm not saying its a bad thing at all. 

    As for your post I'llneverbeold would you say it would be suitable if I drew a person walking down a street but everyone else is coloured in and solid, wheres the person in the centre frame is scribbly, like a rough drawing? like they havent been coloured in yet? More of a surreal situation than a creature? 

  • Sorry I can't help you. I'm a human being whose make up includes Asperger's. I'm sick of the state & general population dehumanizing disabled, unborn, migrants etc as it is. I love myself, therefore I love my Asperger's too. Asperger's isn't a creature. All humans are by fact only animals, but I feel it's dehumanizing to compare our ability or disability to a creature.

  • I'm not sure I could really give you a creature, but I would describe it as everyone else seeing the rough draft, harsh (their perception) version of my real me. If people could just hear what I say instead of what they think I said, life would be so much easier.