Famous People with Asperger Syndrome or Similar Autistic Traits

With many of these people, the condition is highly speculative rather than actually diagnosed.  Some of the symptoms suggested, too, could indicate other conditions - particularly with people like Woody Allen.

Still... I find it reassuring in many ways to maybe share something in common with people who've made such an impact in their own particular ways...


  • lostmyway said:

    Why was Julian so opposed to Christianity?

    In his day, it was sufficiently new enough for the 'joins' to be as obvious as with the likes of Mormonism and Scientology these days. He's very funny at taking it apart. There are huge problems with the Middle Eastern monotheisms, especially the proselytising sorts, because they are inherently inimical to freedom and diversity. He'd also seen how their text-fetishism led them to murderous intrafandom conflicts, such as Arians vs Athanasians. They accused him of persecuting them because he wouldn't let them persecute each other...

  • lostmyway said:

    Why was Julian so opposed to Christianity?

    In his day, it was sufficiently new enough for the 'joins' to be as obvious as with the likes of Mormonism and Scientology these days. He's very funny at taking it apart. There are huge problems with the Middle Eastern monotheisms, especially the proselytising sorts, because they are inherently inimical to freedom and diversity. He'd also seen how their text-fetishism led them to murderous intrafandom conflicts, such as Arians vs Athanasians. They accused him of persecuting them because he wouldn't let them persecute each other...

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