Famous People with Asperger Syndrome or Similar Autistic Traits

With many of these people, the condition is highly speculative rather than actually diagnosed.  Some of the symptoms suggested, too, could indicate other conditions - particularly with people like Woody Allen.

Still... I find it reassuring in many ways to maybe share something in common with people who've made such an impact in their own particular ways...


  • What about some of the tales of Hans Christian Anderson? The Emperor's New Clothes, in particular; the little boy shouts out, 'he is naked'!!. Everyone else is pretending and deceiving themselves out of respect and decorum.

    I have recently read The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus (a collection of essays on the Absurd). Camus argues that the Actor is an exemplar of the Absurd existence because he/she plays many different roles in a lifetime, and thus pays homage to the ephemeral, fleeting nature of existence and its lack of stability/fixed meaning. I thought this was interesting as many autistic people describe themselves as 'acting' and lacking a fixed sense of self. I can certainly relate to this - I am always 'acting'. Perhaps a modern day Camus could add a chapter about Autism and the Absurd!!

  • What about some of the tales of Hans Christian Anderson? The Emperor's New Clothes, in particular; the little boy shouts out, 'he is naked'!!. Everyone else is pretending and deceiving themselves out of respect and decorum.

    I have recently read The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus (a collection of essays on the Absurd). Camus argues that the Actor is an exemplar of the Absurd existence because he/she plays many different roles in a lifetime, and thus pays homage to the ephemeral, fleeting nature of existence and its lack of stability/fixed meaning. I thought this was interesting as many autistic people describe themselves as 'acting' and lacking a fixed sense of self. I can certainly relate to this - I am always 'acting'. Perhaps a modern day Camus could add a chapter about Autism and the Absurd!!

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