Famous People with Asperger Syndrome or Similar Autistic Traits

With many of these people, the condition is highly speculative rather than actually diagnosed.  Some of the symptoms suggested, too, could indicate other conditions - particularly with people like Woody Allen.

Still... I find it reassuring in many ways to maybe share something in common with people who've made such an impact in their own particular ways...


  • Hope said:

    I also love love love existentialism!!! Currently reading Camus. He writes about outsiders ('stranger's') and misfits.

    Yes, he does.  L'etranger is a classic.  But also read Sartre and de Beauvoir (Nausea and The Second Sex especially).  Existentialism was a major influence on 20th century literature and culture, and threads of it can be seen in many major works.  Check out Raymond Carver, Edward Hopper, William Eggleston, Celine... to name but a few.

    In the view of the existentialist, the individual's starting point is characterized by what has been called "the existential attitude", or a sense of disorientation and confusion in the face of an apparently meaningless or absurd world.

    Sounds familiar to me...


  • Hope said:

    I also love love love existentialism!!! Currently reading Camus. He writes about outsiders ('stranger's') and misfits.

    Yes, he does.  L'etranger is a classic.  But also read Sartre and de Beauvoir (Nausea and The Second Sex especially).  Existentialism was a major influence on 20th century literature and culture, and threads of it can be seen in many major works.  Check out Raymond Carver, Edward Hopper, William Eggleston, Celine... to name but a few.

    In the view of the existentialist, the individual's starting point is characterized by what has been called "the existential attitude", or a sense of disorientation and confusion in the face of an apparently meaningless or absurd world.

    Sounds familiar to me...


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