Looking for some advice


Im not really sure where to start, i have been married to my Hubby for 21 years and love him dearly but can't say it has always been easy and always thought he had a few problems laying undiagnosed. throughout our relashionship i have felt very much on my own he has always had problems with emotion any on more occassions than i care to recollect left me feeling very on my own unloved and questioning what the hell have i been doing with my life, finally at the end of my tether and some gentle pursuasion i got him to see a doctor and a few specialists later he has been diagnosed with Aspergers and borderline ADD which is no surprise to me.

My question to anyone who can help is how do i support and help him as the way he is is obviusly not his fault and i love him no less now than the day i married him im just not sure i can cope much more as i myself have a serious health issue that i could do with his support on right now but obviously he does not understand this.

sorry so long winded, im just so desperate to make sense of it all. can i add i have a 16 year old Nephew with Aspergers so have quite an understanding of the condition

thanks and appreciation in advance

  • Well its been a few days now and I have been doing things a little different I have been more clear when telling Hubby what i want and expect from him rather than leaving him to second guess and what a diffence it has made its a small step but a more positive sunnier outlook #feeling less desperate and more positive thank you all 

  • Well its been a few days now and I have been doing things a little different I have been more clear when telling Hubby what i want and expect from him rather than leaving him to second guess and what a diffence it has made its a small step but a more positive sunnier outlook #feeling less desperate and more positive thank you all 

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