
Hi everyone, Matthew here.

Last night it took me ages to get to sleep, I also kept waking up and turning over. I couldn't sleep, this could be because of worrry, the heat or just the fact that I couldn't sleep!

I just thought I'd ask, does anyone on here know any good tricks or tips that help you fall asleep? If so will you please help me because sometimes I do worry about my sleep. I set myself a bedtime, every night I try and go to bed at 10:30 or there about!

Thanks Smile

Kindest regards,


  • I get the occasional night where I just can't switch the brain off.  It helps me to write down everything that is in my brain on paper (which sometimes takes a while) but it means I'm not near technology and I'm doing something to distract myself, so it usually helps.  Caffiene won't help, but I still have problems and I have no caffiene in my diet at all, except for maybe a tiny bit of chocolate now and again.  Regular bed time is good too.  I've had lots of tips from psychiatrists over the years to try and help me so I try and not eat heavily about 3 hours before bed, and try and have the lights as dim as possible for the last hour or so before bed.  And I try not to watch too much TV.  Not that I do at the moment, TV is so rubbish just now.  I'd rather look at books or browse the internet.

  • I get the occasional night where I just can't switch the brain off.  It helps me to write down everything that is in my brain on paper (which sometimes takes a while) but it means I'm not near technology and I'm doing something to distract myself, so it usually helps.  Caffiene won't help, but I still have problems and I have no caffiene in my diet at all, except for maybe a tiny bit of chocolate now and again.  Regular bed time is good too.  I've had lots of tips from psychiatrists over the years to try and help me so I try and not eat heavily about 3 hours before bed, and try and have the lights as dim as possible for the last hour or so before bed.  And I try not to watch too much TV.  Not that I do at the moment, TV is so rubbish just now.  I'd rather look at books or browse the internet.

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