
Hi everyone, Matthew here.

Last night it took me ages to get to sleep, I also kept waking up and turning over. I couldn't sleep, this could be because of worrry, the heat or just the fact that I couldn't sleep!

I just thought I'd ask, does anyone on here know any good tricks or tips that help you fall asleep? If so will you please help me because sometimes I do worry about my sleep. I set myself a bedtime, every night I try and go to bed at 10:30 or there about!

Thanks Smile

Kindest regards,


  • Hi Miffo.

    Sleeping can be impacted by so many different things. Things you can try to help improve your sleep might be limiting your caffeine intake.

    Don't drink any caffeine in the hours before you go to bed. Don't eat anything two hours before going to bed and try not to use your phone or computer an hour or so before bed.

    All of the above can make it harder falling and staying asleep.

    Stress is also a contributing factor so if anything is stressing you I would suggest trying to sort that and it might help improve your sleep.

    I get frequent bouts of insomnia so I can understand how frustrating this must be for you.

  • I get the occasional night where I just can't switch the brain off.  It helps me to write down everything that is in my brain on paper (which sometimes takes a while) but it means I'm not near technology and I'm doing something to distract myself, so it usually helps.  Caffiene won't help, but I still have problems and I have no caffiene in my diet at all, except for maybe a tiny bit of chocolate now and again.  Regular bed time is good too.  I've had lots of tips from psychiatrists over the years to try and help me so I try and not eat heavily about 3 hours before bed, and try and have the lights as dim as possible for the last hour or so before bed.  And I try not to watch too much TV.  Not that I do at the moment, TV is so rubbish just now.  I'd rather look at books or browse the internet.

  • I found it hard to sleep last night, too. I think it could be to do with the heat and humidity, but I am also sensitive to noise, and this sensitivity seems to get worse in the evening. I notice every little creak, dogs barking, distant cars, everything. Listening to music helps, but I cannot get to sleep with music on unless I am really tired. I have tried ear-plugs but they did not work.

    Sorry, I can offer no advice as I am in the same position as you. However, try not to consume food or drink containing caffeine before going to bed, and limit your intake during the day, particularly in the afternoon.

  • Hi Longman.

    Thank you for the reply. I am trying to cut down on my coke drinking but it isn't the easiest thing to do. Soon I will be going to a ASD thearpy group so hopefully they might help me whilst I am there.

    I'm sure all my coke drinking is down to stress and worrying, though I could be wrong about that. Hopefully I'll sort myself out soon.

    Kindest regards from,


  • Drinking lots of coca cola won't help as the caffeine in it will prevent sleep........ (ref your fourth new thread this morning -  "Coca Cola!)