My computers dying

Or my pooter, just to make Spikey Mark happy, the screen keeps cutting out and giving me colourful white noise, maybe we could call it unicorn farts instead? It's so slow too and dosen't always take me to the site I want to go to, but to the previous thing I was looking at. SO if you don't see me for a few days you will know that it's because I've finally got so fed up with the thing, I've chucked out the window and jumped up and down on in the middle of the road and am awaiting a new one.

  • Oh no! I hope that you can get to grips with the new one quickly!

    (Also - for others, I think TheCatWoman means that I'll be happy she said 'pooter' and not that the screen cuts out!)

    I hope that you get back on quickly!

  • It's just about alive still. although the friend who temporarily fixed it, reduced the font size from what I normally have it, and I'm having to change it back on every site I go to and it's dosen't seem to stick.

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