Am I unusual

Am I unusual in that  I didn't studiously plan my pathway to an autism  diagnosis? I had a  basic idea as to what autism was, but not anything like the minutae that many seeking a diagnosis have. It was very much a case of WYSIWYG with me. I didn't write copious notes detailing why I might be/was autistic.

  • I don’t know how I would be, but I think I would also not needed any notes. I know who I am what causes me stress etc. I’m not diagnosed. Just heard in the childhood teachers suspected I’m autistic but my mom ignored that. And recently 2 psychiatrists told me I’m most probably autistic but they don’t offer psychotherapy. I will reach out for official diagnosis only if it’s gonna help me. Just to have in a drawer - I don’t need it at least currently, I’m fine with self diagnosis and being part of this community, where I feel safe and good. 
    Here in Germany everything must be on a paper, I know that there are some support groups, but to join one I need the diagnosis. How the process looks like… will i find a professional who can do it… how long it will take.. I don’t know. I struggle socially so much that I’m unable to find any friends where I’m living (the only friend I have for almost 20 years now is living in other country) so I think I might have benefited from being a part of such group. I might have… but not necessarily. I know that being a part of any group does not necessarily mean I will immediately find friends. But I’m gonna try, to see how it goes. 

  • I don’t know how I would be, but I think I would also not needed any notes. I know who I am what causes me stress etc. I’m not diagnosed. Just heard in the childhood teachers suspected I’m autistic but my mom ignored that. And recently 2 psychiatrists told me I’m most probably autistic but they don’t offer psychotherapy. I will reach out for official diagnosis only if it’s gonna help me. Just to have in a drawer - I don’t need it at least currently, I’m fine with self diagnosis and being part of this community, where I feel safe and good. 
    Here in Germany everything must be on a paper, I know that there are some support groups, but to join one I need the diagnosis. How the process looks like… will i find a professional who can do it… how long it will take.. I don’t know. I struggle socially so much that I’m unable to find any friends where I’m living (the only friend I have for almost 20 years now is living in other country) so I think I might have benefited from being a part of such group. I might have… but not necessarily. I know that being a part of any group does not necessarily mean I will immediately find friends. But I’m gonna try, to see how it goes. 
