D'You Know What I Mean?

It's a crazy situation, but all I need is clarity and peace, and yet I’ve been constantly misunderstood throughout my life. I thought that always choosing my words carefully would mean mutual harmony. Nope. I’m autistic, and it often feels like I’m speaking and writing in a different language to the one neurotypical people are using.

I've posted a video about communication/miscommunication in the usual place. Let me know your thoughts if you have a spare few minutes.

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  • I feel the opposite, a human being surrounded by aliens, now I don't expect them to make sense and for the most part I've stopped trying, oddly enough I get on better through not trying than when I tried so hard to fit in. Maybe people sense inauthenticity however well meant it is and thats what puts them off, not you as it were, but you pretending to be you, if ya know what I mean?