Poll on organisational tools

Hello all autistic adults Slight smile

I got a post diagnosis course (unusual I know, BASS is great post diagnosis) and on it we discussed many ways of managing organisation and discovered most of us (all adults) used whiteboards, or occasionally flipcharts. The person running the group said that he found this was very common amongst autistic adults, and it is the case that all autistic adults I have met since, have a whiteboard. 

So I wanted to open it to the wider community. I'm accepting diagnosed and self diagnosed, but do ask that parents or partners of autistic people who are not autistic themselves don't use the main poll, feel free to comment below though!

This is just a bit of fun and not in any way official research or a good method of research. I also wanted to try making the poll

  • Lists on my computer, just in a word processor file. I sometimes use a paper list, but I have the annoying tendency to lose them. I don't always remember to check or update the list either. I nearly clicked 'organisation? what's that?' as I am a long way from being organised.

    I have one file where I write the date and try to keep it updated for what I did and what I have to do. Then another file where I write lists and notes and drafts of emails, I sometimes delete things from there when they are done but more often leave them. It annoys me when my list is too long to see on one page of the laptop screen, or to fit on one bit of paper, so I also sometimes have a master list of categories and sub-lists to break things down into steps. But the problem with breaking things down into small manageable steps is that there are fifty trillion things on the list and i get just as overwhelmed as when there are only a few things but they are too big...

  • Word documents can have their place. I usually use my computers 'post it note' app to make to do lists for specific projects, and then integrate it into my other tools later.

    But I can totally see how it would get overwhelming. Hopefully it's better than having nothing

    Unfortunately, as far as my brain is concerned, "If it's not written down, it doesn't happen" so it's a necessity. 

  • Word documents can have their place. I usually use my computers 'post it note' app to make to do lists for specific projects, and then integrate it into my other tools later.

    But I can totally see how it would get overwhelming. Hopefully it's better than having nothing

    Unfortunately, as far as my brain is concerned, "If it's not written down, it doesn't happen" so it's a necessity. 

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