The Autistic Cheese Club

This is dedicated to  (ref 'the Autistic Chess Club').

Cheese is my 'raison d'etre'.


Anyone else here cheesey?

  • Until I became lactose intollerant I was, I love cheese and sometimes decide it's worth spending an uncomfortable morning in the bathroom to eat it. There'd so many things that just aren't the without cheese, like pizza. I love making pickeles and chutneys without cheese I have nothing to eat them with. How wonderful it was to have a plate of cheeses and a bottle of wine, a lovely squidgy brie or camenbert, a delicate Shropshire blue, and a mellow Lincolnshire poacher. Best of all a proper Welsh Rarebit all bubbling and slightly brown on top, uuummmmmm

  • Best of all a proper Welsh Rarebit all bubbling and slightly brown on top, uuummmmmm

    I'm sorry about your inability to eat the best food on earth.

    I adore Welsh Rabbit.

    Also, I'd never heard of Lincolnshire Poacher (well, unless it's person from Lincolnshire who steals animals).

  • Best of all a proper Welsh Rarebit all bubbling and slightly brown on top, uuummmmmm

    I'm sorry about your inability to eat the best food on earth.

    I adore Welsh Rabbit.

    Also, I'd never heard of Lincolnshire Poacher (well, unless it's person from Lincolnshire who steals animals).
