break ups

break up

so, i was diagnosed about a month ago, im 20 and have been with my now ex boyfriend since i was 15. we broke up 2 days ago (no relation to my diagnosis etc). i’m struggling to say the least. he was my person and now he’s not there anymore. it’s like i’m grieving someone who’s died. i just don’t know what to do with myself. i’m trying to distract myself with everything i normally do when im anxious/upset (i was diagnosed with adhd when i was 13 so im used to distraction techniques) but i feel nothing is working and it’s playing on my mind all day till its night time and it all comes out in a meltdown and/or crying. i know it’s still really fresh but someone please tell me it get better? i just need advise basically. how do you get through this?

  • Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. Breakups are hard, especially when you’ve been with someone for so long. It feels like losing a big part of yourself, doesn’t it? When I went through a breakup a few years ago, it felt like I was stuck in a never-ending loop of emotions. I used to distract myself with hobbies and stuff too, but it took a lot of time before things started to get better. Just remember, it’s okay to grieve and feel all these emotions. Try to be gentle with yourself and maybe consider talking to a therapist if you need extra support. It does get easier with time, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now.

  • Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. Breakups are hard, especially when you’ve been with someone for so long. It feels like losing a big part of yourself, doesn’t it? When I went through a breakup a few years ago, it felt like I was stuck in a never-ending loop of emotions. I used to distract myself with hobbies and stuff too, but it took a lot of time before things started to get better. Just remember, it’s okay to grieve and feel all these emotions. Try to be gentle with yourself and maybe consider talking to a therapist if you need extra support. It does get easier with time, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now.

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