I hate having autism.

I'll be straightforward.

I hate having autism

I hate the fact that there's so much rubbish going on in the world.

The world seems to get worse every day.

I see no hope for the world.

I hate having autism.

I hate having autism

I wish I was never born.

I hate it when people discriminate against autistic people, or say stupid things like "oh everybody's a little bit autistic" or some other rubbish.

I hate what autism does to me. Im afraid of everything now.

Im an ugly *** and I wish I wasn't alive.

Every day I hope I die in my sleep.

Im so behind in life and I see no point.

  • Look.. you don't hate yourself, you hate the world and you hate yourself inside this world.. that's why you just want acceptance.. but you know very well that this world is bad and that acceptance does not exist even between people.. that's why create your own world 

  • Look.. you don't hate yourself, you hate the world and you hate yourself inside this world.. that's why you just want acceptance.. but you know very well that this world is bad and that acceptance does not exist even between people.. that's why create your own world 

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