Are we the bad guys in life, as well as in film?

I've been wanting to write this for about three years pretty much ever since I joined the forum, but thought it might be a bit triggering for some.

Now I'm on moderation I guess, IS the time to do it, because if I say anything that is wrongspeak, then at least it might get filtered before I upset anyone.

This thought was triggered many, many years ago when my child was not in her thirties, and we were watching a cartoon and the villain of the piece started to talk about his frustrating life and upbringing etc. and I recognised my own circumstances!  All the things that cartoon villain (and many more screen villains before him) described had been a part of my upbringing, and I'd felt the urge to crush, kill, destroy just like they report, but in my case I found that sort of thing to be really unsatisfying and not the life I wanted to lead lead (or role I wanted to pay?) So evil villainly became a part of my character rather than the whole thing.  

Now to be honest, there are some people here, who lack my ineffably sunny disposition ( Oh that's funny! One of my best..) and may actually be bad guys, but would they know it? Certainly my experience is some of the worst things I've done, I was quite convinced were righteous at the time...

Then there's the way N.T's react to us and then interact with us.

Do THEY see us as the good guys?.

I find this unsettling to contemplate, but today as I read some current events that are happening in the states, where much is being made of the perpetrators Autism diagnosis, and see the discussion starting to happen in "mainstream" (by my standards) media I think we ought to ask oursleves some searching questions about the nature of Autism and have asome answers ready for anyone who ask before we get further marginalised as a group.  

  • I'm not sure that I totally follow what you are asking. But I'll give it a whirl...

    Often in films/TV the psycho murderer has a past of bullying - is that what you mean? Not the mega villain criminal genius, but the psycho murderer.

    I can only speak for myself - I try to find the best in people. I don't know if it is because I was lucky that despite any bullying, I had a good home/family life which gave me self-esteem.

    People who want to take out as many other people as possible before they go down are the worst type of person to me. Especially as they seem to choose schools a lot in the USA. I think this unforgivable and unjustifiable.

    When it comes to neurosis or whatever - I don't think any of this is due to autism directly, but how we've been treated.

  • I'm not sure that I totally follow what you are asking. But I'll give it a whirl...

    Often in films/TV the psycho murderer has a past of bullying - is that what you mean? Not the mega villain criminal genius, but the psycho murderer.

    I can only speak for myself - I try to find the best in people. I don't know if it is because I was lucky that despite any bullying, I had a good home/family life which gave me self-esteem.

    People who want to take out as many other people as possible before they go down are the worst type of person to me. Especially as they seem to choose schools a lot in the USA. I think this unforgivable and unjustifiable.

    When it comes to neurosis or whatever - I don't think any of this is due to autism directly, but how we've been treated.

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