The neurodivergence movement

It seems to be geared towards getting from the system that which the most able within the autistic community regard as desirable.

  • I was having a conversation with some people at a local aspergers group on tusday and they observed 'you can be labled as low functioning and have your potential minamised or high functioning / aspergers and have your needs minamised.'

    NTs may not well understand what LF autistics needs are but they recognise they have needs. The HF autistic / aspergers person isn't even seen as having needs. So yes HF autistics probably are focusing on that more. Maybe we should make more of a fuss over the waisted potential of LF autistics ... but it's hard to lecture others on things you've no personal experence on.

  • I was having a conversation with some people at a local aspergers group on tusday and they observed 'you can be labled as low functioning and have your potential minamised or high functioning / aspergers and have your needs minamised.'

    NTs may not well understand what LF autistics needs are but they recognise they have needs. The HF autistic / aspergers person isn't even seen as having needs. So yes HF autistics probably are focusing on that more. Maybe we should make more of a fuss over the waisted potential of LF autistics ... but it's hard to lecture others on things you've no personal experence on.

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