Defence Lawyers using defence of ASD for offenders that commit serious crime.

I have noticed an increase in the media and defence lawyers using ASD as an excuse for those offenders that commit the most serious of crimes.

I feel the only mental health defence that is permittable is when you are deemed by law to be Criminally Insane.

It really pisses me off when the media say the preprtator is a LONER or has ASD.

I am a loner and have been all my life and recently diagnosed as Austistic, I still knew right from wrong.

I think its offensive to tag ASD to these criminals as us all get tarred with the same brush and people will worry if we are potential killers because of our ASD.

What are your thoughts? Could the NAS not contact the media and tell them to stop saying the preprtator is on the spectrum or ASD?.

  • Thank you all for your replies, I get that this is a very emotive subject, as I am only recently diagnosed, I've always saw things as BLACK & WHITE, no middle ground and I am trying to see other viewpoints and it's extremely difficult for me.

    In saying that, I do wish the media would stop saying things "He/She is autistic and so on". I fear this could lead to people fearing that they are autistic and afraid to tell others that they are for fear of being judged because of the few that commit deplorable acts.

  • Same here, it's something I've struggled with, think there may be grey areas!

    The press seem to use all sorts of generalisations to wind people up, since this thread started I saw a news article "driver of BMW kills pedestrian" like all BMW drivers are somehow a category of their own!

    Can't help but think it's all part of a strategy employed to sensationalise things, all lined up  to someone's agenda.

  • Same here, it's something I've struggled with, think there may be grey areas!

    The press seem to use all sorts of generalisations to wind people up, since this thread started I saw a news article "driver of BMW kills pedestrian" like all BMW drivers are somehow a category of their own!

    Can't help but think it's all part of a strategy employed to sensationalise things, all lined up  to someone's agenda.
