Respect my authority!

A lot of bad things happen because of the belief that some people are more important than others. So, that’s one reason to question hierarchies. Asking questions is often the beginning to challenging or stopping bad behaviour by people who apparently ‘know best’ – which is precisely why it’s yet another reason to ignore, exclude, or hurt autistic people.

I've shared further thoughts in a YouTube video. Channel is same name as my pseudonym. Happy to hear your thoughts. Slight smile

  • Since my diagnosis of autism later in life, I’ve found that my Traditional Catholic faith has been a great comfort, as I’ve taught myself to pray the Rosary in Latin and many of the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church (pre-Vatican II) have turned out to be very supportive of us as autistic people - even as an older gay man, I’ve found genuine acceptance from the people that I’ve met at Traditional Latin Masses, both towards my being gay and my being autistic 

  • Since my diagnosis of autism later in life, I’ve found that my Traditional Catholic faith has been a great comfort, as I’ve taught myself to pray the Rosary in Latin and many of the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church (pre-Vatican II) have turned out to be very supportive of us as autistic people - even as an older gay man, I’ve found genuine acceptance from the people that I’ve met at Traditional Latin Masses, both towards my being gay and my being autistic 

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