Respect my authority!

A lot of bad things happen because of the belief that some people are more important than others. So, that’s one reason to question hierarchies. Asking questions is often the beginning to challenging or stopping bad behaviour by people who apparently ‘know best’ – which is precisely why it’s yet another reason to ignore, exclude, or hurt autistic people.

I've shared further thoughts in a YouTube video. Channel is same name as my pseudonym. Happy to hear your thoughts. Slight smile

  • The Enquiry into clerical abuse, in Ireland, was more about soft-soaping Church Authorities rather than prosecuting Paedophiles.

    There are still tons of missing children, throughout Ireland, whose whereabouts are still unknown. It's probably linked to Freemasonry. However, the Church and Police are convenient scapegoats to distract the Public.

  • No one has told me I'm stroppy or stubborn because I'm autistic - I'm saying that, reflecting on my past when I was undiagnosed, I realise now that my 'stubbornness' and 'moodiness' can be largely explained by being autistic and misunderstood.

  • I'm autistic and mardy, so there! Seriously though it is an issue when you don't understand whats being asked of you, let alone why its being asked of you. Life can seem like a series of hidden rules and obstacles that you fall over inwittingly and yet no one believes you didn't know they were there.

    I think there's a lesson for all of us about being stroppy and stubborn though, don't let people tell you it's all because of your autism because a lot of the time it's not, it's about you standing in your own power and not allowing yourself to be bullied and undermined. Unfortunately these things are just as likely to come from people who are allegedly there to help us. I was told by a worker at an autistic group that something never happened, I challeneged her quite strongly, it was the first time I'd met her, she didn't know me or my history and certainly not what random insenstitive people may or may not have said to me.

    I think everyone should be given a basic level of respect that they can build on or lose. Respect has to earned, its not automatic and certainly some wannabe dictator dosen't get it because of thier percieved position in society.

  • I''m an atheist so I don't know why you've told me all that.  The few Catholics I do like will be the ones you hate I think.  I'm not a Conservative but a man of the Left.

  • It’s the abuse of power and Athority that people don’t like when they use that power for evil purposes - yet respect for and obedience to those in positions of athority is essential to a properly functioning society- one of my pet hates is when those in positions of power ignore their responsibilities and act and behave in hypocritical ways and abuse their Athority - Vatican II and beyond has given rise to and has encouraged many of these abuses of power and Athority, even though we as Catholics are called to obedience for such Athority, even when it is used for evil - as a traditional Catholic myself that rejects the heresy of Vatican II for these very reasons, as it rejects the Magisterium of the Church and where Vatican II attempts to “muddy the waters” on the concept of Papal Infallibity on matters of Faith, Morals & Doctrine 

  • I would have been British champion at 'throwing a strop' back in the late 90s/early 00s. However, turns out I wasn't just being mardy - I was undiagnosed autistic, asserting my right to be considered too.

  • Since my diagnosis of autism later in life, I’ve found that my Traditional Catholic faith has been a great comfort, as I’ve taught myself to pray the Rosary in Latin and many of the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church (pre-Vatican II) have turned out to be very supportive of us as autistic people - even as an older gay man, I’ve found genuine acceptance from the people that I’ve met at Traditional Latin Masses, both towards my being gay and my being autistic 

  • South Park was good back in the day.  It's still being made but I haven't seen an episode in a while.

  • Authoratah! As Eric Cartman said. Slight smile

  • I don't like hierarchy either.

  • For the most part I avoid authority figures and organisations, when I do have to deeal with them I either go in straight and treat them as equals which rather throws a spanner in thier works or I go straight into stroppy teenager mode and believe me if being stroppy was an olympic sport I'd be a gold medalist. I've had quite a few would be dictators give up on me, often when they find I can't be beaten into submission, shouting at me is just noise, punishments don't work either because I ignore them or just endure them.

  • I was always getting into various troubles by not taking into account 'authority' in my thinking. Mostly church, sometimes work. I think we are right on this!