Respect my authority!

A lot of bad things happen because of the belief that some people are more important than others. So, that’s one reason to question hierarchies. Asking questions is often the beginning to challenging or stopping bad behaviour by people who apparently ‘know best’ – which is precisely why it’s yet another reason to ignore, exclude, or hurt autistic people.

I've shared further thoughts in a YouTube video. Channel is same name as my pseudonym. Happy to hear your thoughts. Slight smile

Parents Reply Children
  • It’s the abuse of power and Athority that people don’t like when they use that power for evil purposes - yet respect for and obedience to those in positions of athority is essential to a properly functioning society- one of my pet hates is when those in positions of power ignore their responsibilities and act and behave in hypocritical ways and abuse their Athority - Vatican II and beyond has given rise to and has encouraged many of these abuses of power and Athority, even though we as Catholics are called to obedience for such Athority, even when it is used for evil - as a traditional Catholic myself that rejects the heresy of Vatican II for these very reasons, as it rejects the Magisterium of the Church and where Vatican II attempts to “muddy the waters” on the concept of Papal Infallibity on matters of Faith, Morals & Doctrine