What have we all been up to today?

I went for a longish walk with my dog, Fearn and then came home and moved a load of plants about in the garden, the iris's have gone crazy and I've now got about 15 plants form the orignal 3. I moved my peony and some grannies bonnets (aquilegia).

Now I'm exhausted, but in a good way and ready for tomorrows storm with a big pile of books, yippeee!

  • My post above (two days ago) was also blocked, completing the hat-trick. All three have just been released, so posting this now - with my fingers crossed - to see what happens! 

  • thank you - looking forward.

  • Started work at 6 am until 12.30 and then went to visit my mum for a while.

  • Had the parent in laws over for a few hours, Made a quick trip to St Albans museum. I'm going to do a post about it for the oldies here.

  • Had two simple posts blocked by the spam filter, with little hope of their quick release thanks to the bank holiday weekend.

  • Mark, Where did you go in London? I miss museums and galleries, but I don't miss the noise and people standing in front of the thing I'm looking at, I've come to the conclusion that I prefer to watch stuff like that on TV, it's quieter and I get a better view and more explaination of what I'm seeing.

    Pixie, Fearn does sometimes dig up plants in the garden, especially if she see's me planting things like bulbs. The pond is the size and depth it is because she dug it and we just shovelled the loose earth away, we had to stop her digging it any deeper.

  • Wycombe Wanderers 

  • I went to confession, at Noon, then Mass, at 6 pm.

    I'm charging the batteries, for my Artist friend's mobility scooter, for twenty-four hours. I was told that I should recharge every four weeks, or so, and I hadn't charged them since he used the scooter back in March; whenever I took him to Downpatrick. (I got lost trying to find where I parked my car, had to ask a local resident to get me there)

  • A very wet day here today, so I had a film binge. Star Wars Episodes 1 & 2. I'll probably watch some more over the rest of the Bank holiday weekend. It's feeling like autumn right now x

  • 13 and 11. Great characters, the pair of them. I avoid London too, but it was for them. The plan was for me to go to the shop cafe while they looked around. It was horrible, packed, noisy and would have had to queue. Worked out ok in the end with me leaving early. And they understand on a simple level.

  • Wife and kids are away leaving me in the house alone for a few days, which is bliss to be honest. 

    I spent a good few hours in my shed cleaning and fettling my bike. Got so engrossed in servicing the right pedal I forgot to eat. After lunch I rode bike to nearby Buddhist temple to see their new stupa and peace garden. This was very tranquil. 

    It's Saturday so a record listening day. Apart from my parents, I have not spoken to a soul for days. Heaven.

  • The pain from my dental extractions (long story) has finally died down enough for me to go out more. Today I went to watch my football team play for the first time this season. Havnt been in 6 months so was a step to go back but really enjoyed it and so glad I did. It was my son (who is also autistic) first game there in over a year. He really enjoyed it, although I did have to sit on the step and play toy cars with him during the second half as he got a bit overwhelmed but that made him happy

    I am so tired now though, have barely left the house for a week due to dental pain so quite exhausted from going out to a match for the whole day. Having a bit of a crash so cuddled up under the blanket watching Big Bang Theory and cuddling my plush hippo 

  • Today, Saturday. I am...

    Catching up my emails.

    Preparing for a trip off island.

    Washing hair.

    Giving my pet orchid to a friend to tend to while I am off island.


    Eggs for lunch day.

    Call a friend who's in hospice.

    Cal another friends who is house bound.

    Arranging to look at a potential place to rent.

    doing private server backups to take with me.

    System backups on main 15" mac book - and then migration to my elderly macbook air.

    A little Japanese.

    4 Peter Davidson Doc Who episodes to watch at lunch time.


  • Today, I misread your post and thought that your dog moved a load of plants about in your garden. 

    (I thought it said you went for a longish walk with your dog - Fearne then came home and moved the plants - I imagined you wandering about in the park looking for her while she was happily digging up plants and re-planting them) 

    Tomorrow, I will hopefully read posts more carefully the first time.

  • Ho wold are your nephews?

    I avoid London like the plague, I've not been there for years, it's just to much and overwhelming and I've never liked tube trains.

  • Mine has been pretty successful. Got Nephews for the weekend. I did a London trip with them. Was very close to a panic attack after lots of activities. They totally accepted me going home early. And we get to play more Lego Harry Potter when they get back soon.

    Tomorrow will be rest and recuperation.