
I’ll be honest, one of the reasons I feel like I can’t properly immerse myself in this forum is down to how public it is. Along with the fact i have never felt comfortable in a group of people, and essentially that’s just what this place is. Years ago yahoo chat and msn worked for me, the general asl gave you a clue who you might click with, and more often than not you’d start a private chat. Eventually you’d click with someone (or a few people) and form an online friendship. I miss that! 

So I’m putting myself out there, if anyone feels similar, message me. I don’t bite, we might not click, we might well click, who knows.  

  • There’s another forum coming soon, it’s not public but you have to pay a monthly fee. 

  • Hi Ginger Cat

    We want to reassure you and everyone else using the Online Community. The existing Online Community will be hosted by an improved forum platform by the end of September 2024. There will be some improvements and updates but it will not be a new forum and there will not be a monthly fee for users.

    Many thanks

    Sharon Mod

  • Do you have any word on what new improvements there will be?  I am hoping for improvements that encourage more harmony on the forum and less discord.  I think we should be able to block users that we don't get along with.  As it stands many people leave the forum. And many long time members need lots of time away  from it.

  • Do you have any word on what new improvements there will be?  I am hoping for improvements that encourage more harmony on the forum and less discord.  I think we should be able to block users that we don't get along with.  As it stands many people leave the forum. And many long time members need lots of time away  from it.

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