pictures of lunch. Just that simple. just pictures.. of lunch, or breakfast.. or dinner

  • Uhane, are you aware that your food is touching… other food.. /lh

  • I think there is a measure of variation in this rule among us.  I do not enjoy food surprises (food prepared by others should ideally be as described surprising garnishes or unexpectedly jumbled-up presentations, thank you).

    However, if I am familiar with somewhere that can be acceptable if they are consistent (such Prawns Marie Rose over a Jacket Potato ... please hold the Butter and no Paprika garnish over the top, thank you).

    However, if I have made the dish: I would want the protein on the plate nearest me (easier to control cutting up into bite size pieces) and I am likely to be more tolerant of mixed up food items (because there are no surprises as I know what is in e.g. my salad).  

    The same meal, plated up by someone else: I would prefer separated out foods where possible.

  • I think there is a measure of variation in this rule among us.  I do not enjoy food surprises (food prepared by others should ideally be as described surprising garnishes or unexpectedly jumbled-up presentations, thank you).

    However, if I am familiar with somewhere that can be acceptable if they are consistent (such Prawns Marie Rose over a Jacket Potato ... please hold the Butter and no Paprika garnish over the top, thank you).

    However, if I have made the dish: I would want the protein on the plate nearest me (easier to control cutting up into bite size pieces) and I am likely to be more tolerant of mixed up food items (because there are no surprises as I know what is in e.g. my salad).  

    The same meal, plated up by someone else: I would prefer separated out foods where possible.

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