pictures of lunch. Just that simple. just pictures.. of lunch, or breakfast.. or dinner

  • I don't get why taking photo's of your every meal and sharing them is so important!

  • I don't get why taking photo's of your every meal and sharing them is so important!

    I think it is as  says - a light hearted attempt at sharing the food that our autism sometimes has an infuence on.

    Mark has some of the typical dietary issues that come with autism so this is relevant to help us normalise it for those who share the issues.

    I'm sure there is also a bit of social media type posting without the hate that often comes on social media platforms.

    Live and let live seems the theme here.

  • tnx CW. when I have a place to cook will do!

  • All I said was that I don't get it, not that I don't think it should be allowed! I've got a load of dietry issues too.

    Uhane, you can get spelt flour and make your own bread either by hand or in a bread machine. I've done both, you just need a little less yeast with spelt than ordinary wheat flour, as it has less gluten and rises a bit differently. Supermarkets charge so much for anything but white sliced and a bread machine makes everything so easy, just measure out the iingredients press a coupl eof buttons and in 4 or 5 hours you've got a loaf where you know exactly whats gone into it.

  • All I said was that I don't get it, not that I don't think it should be allowed! I've got a load of dietry issues too.

    Uhane, you can get spelt flour and make your own bread either by hand or in a bread machine. I've done both, you just need a little less yeast with spelt than ordinary wheat flour, as it has less gluten and rises a bit differently. Supermarkets charge so much for anything but white sliced and a bread machine makes everything so easy, just measure out the iingredients press a coupl eof buttons and in 4 or 5 hours you've got a loaf where you know exactly whats gone into it.
