pictures of lunch. Just that simple. just pictures.. of lunch, or breakfast.. or dinner

  • A chance to see me at my most autistic. This is my lunch every single day that I am at home (and if I can make a packed lunch)

    2 slices of toasted spelt sourdough.

    Grated lactofree cheese (or tuna, or chicken - variety!!)

    A bag of Walkers dash of salt and vinegar (less salt and vinegar than the normal ones)

    A pink lady apple

    Defrosted frozen strawberries and blueberries with 4 heaped teaspoons of lactose free greek yogurt (all the colour and sugar comes from the fruit). These are sprinkled with the contents of a gentle iron capsule and a 10 million bacteria pro biotic capsule.

    I have intolerance to several FODMAP foods (virtually everything Joy). So this alongside an even more boring breakfast allows me to chance something a bit exciting for tea once or twice a week.

  • yum! I have a lot of allergies too. I have a rotor of meals for the week, like, Saturday and Wednesday is 2 eggs day with rice and Swiss chard, thursday and sunday is veggies burger with steam beans etc..

    I can do goat dairy, but not cow. I have it in the Am with frozen berries too. that spelt bread.. will seek out.

  • It's Waitrose if you are in the UK.

  • A uk supermarket the caters to a high end clientele.

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