This Country is too sttessful

All I have to do, to occupy my time, fries my brain.

I would like to move to Italy; slower lifestyle, cleaner air, healthier food.

I need to pursue a vision.

  • Hey Desmond i share your there anywhere in the UK that is peaceful I hate my area as I feel unwelcome .

    i personally have the view london and the south east is more tolerant .i wish I was there

  • Maybe London but I have found the South East in general to be quite intolerant. As far as whether there is anywhere quiet in the UK, I wondered that all my life living in busy towns. Fortunately a few years ago I moved to a sleepy country village where it is lovely and quiet and helps my autism greatly so I would say yes, there are quiet places but you have to look hard for them

  • Hi billy I agree re london I found the south east ok when I lived there .I am now in Devon and it is not very nice

Reply Children
  • Hi yes I left the south east and it is better now then when I left.The councils in my area just waste money and I can tell which way they are inclined politically.

    They have no tolerance to people like me

  • Maybe its because the south east is better resourced than the rest of the country? Councils near London get a premium to off set the costs of being so close, Berkshire gets it, but Wiltshire dosen't, I think the south west is as underfunded as the north. But I would ask is the south east the same place that you left? Has it too changed in the years you've been away?

  • Hi I know what you mean about Reading I used to live near there then moved further east towards London.

    I am at a crossroads but I definitely no longer like Devon as a place to live as I have had such negative experiences with some people plus the public bodies I never got this in the South East 

  • Originally I'm from Reading, but I really dislike the place, when I lived there it was really violent, there were some good people, but then they all moved. I'm happier in the countryside, but not any old countryside, I have a connection to the north and west coasts that seems more spiritual than anything else, I don't feel at home in the south or east. I like living on an island between the mountains and the sea, but I'd like to move away from the village where I am now, because it's too busy. it's got a lot worse since covid and people holidaying in Britain, what used to be exceptional traffic, bank holidays and easter has become normal and I want to be away from so many people.

  • Hi I live near Exeter.I moved down here 12 years ago for a lifestyle change that worked out well!

    Re London yes it can be busy and overwhelming but I have pockets I love and know and I am always accepted up there similarly in the home counties I have a much better experience.I love the sea that is what drew me to Devon.with hindsight I should have kept my South east property and then when ready just bought a small flat or cottage in Devon.

    When my nightmare I am going through is over I intend to leave Devon as I am sorry to say there are too many people that do not welcome me and my ways.

    What part of the country are you from?

    By the way I have bought three new wonderful cats since being down here so I must remember that

  • What part of Devon are you? I'd hate to live in London or any other city for that matter, to busy and overwhelmingly loud, far, far to many people.