Autism Therapy Dogs

Does anyone know where I can go re the above ideally I would like one ready trained. 


  • I don't know, but they sound absolutely awesome. I will have to get my own dog when I can. I think any dog must provide some level of therapy. But, I know you are asking for special training.

    I was wondering if you are sticking around whether you'd consider changing your username and avatar picture? You have a lot of points, so must be very active. It will make it easier for you to stand out. Otherwise we only see an NAS number - which all look the same. Don't worry if not - it's just an idea.

  • I guess it depends on what help you think a dog might be able to give you? Do you need a trained one, if anyone does them, or is it that a dog will help keep you calm and feel better about going out and when you're wobbly? If you want a calming companion to take you for walks and ease the way talking to people then can I recomend a rescue greyhound? These are retired racing dogs and gentle giants who want to cuddle and are happy to go for walks, they need a minimum of 20 minutes exercise twice a day and are really 40mph couch potatoes, they will race about like crazy things, for a few minutes then crash out barely willing to lift their heads to recieve a treat.

  • that is a great idea thanks .Yes I need a clamming dog.I am a cat person and have 3 cats so it must be one that adores my little lions do greyhounds like cats ?

  • Mind you the way my neighbours are at the moment I am thinking of getting a rottweiler that likes cats!

  • I've found that it doen't usually take long for cats to train a dog. I got a puppy Fearn who's now 5, because I couldn't find another rescue greyhound that was OK with cats, puppies are a lot of hard work, much harder than kittens, puppies don't come house trained, you have to do all that yourself, it's much more like having a child because you have to teach them so much.

    Maybe you could volunteer at a local rescue and find out a lot more about if a dog would suit you, which breed, or mix, or one may just steel your heart. Lots of rescue's need people to walk the dogs, so this could be a brilliant way of getting started?

  • thanks will do that also looking inti guide dogs that aren't passing full training

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