Emotional Abuse Query

My female partner believes she is Autistic and believes she has Pathological Demand Avoidance.  When we were first in a relationship she would snuggle me, hug, kiss and say I love you etc.  We split up but recently got back together and she said when we were first together she masked.  She now will not kiss, saying she doesn't like it, won't hug, won't snuggle and says having to say "I love you" back when I say it is like a demand so won't do it.  There is so much more going on and a relative says she is narcissistic.  Can Autistic individuals heavily mask like this or is it quite suspicious how she presents?  She always has to have control, guilt trips me and well, I could go on.

  • If you want hugs and kisses and you are not getting them. just walk. there is no win here.

    If she was masking and now not, that is useful to know and if the unmasked person is not who you want to be with, then don't.

    It is better for both of you to be free to find more suitable partners, in that case.

    Love is not about sacrifice and pain. It should be uplifting and supportive and joyous.

  • Thank you for taking the time to reply. Very good comment at the end there about love “it should be uplifting and supportive and joyous” 

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