How patient are you?

I'd like to think I'm a patient person, but probably I'm not. I'm better if I'm given a fixed date or range of dates by which something will be done. What I don't cope well with is a task I've asked to be done with no idea as to the completion date. This is the situation re  family history research I've asked to be done on 2 of my ancestral lines. Research was started on one 41 days ago and the other 102 days ago. The situation is made worse by a lack of progress reports, so I have no idea as to when I might  receive the completed reports. Maybe it's not a long time to wait??

  • Well, I certainly read the library books I've borrowed because there's a deadline, yet I can't say the same for the books I've bought that are just lying around my house. 

    For the family history research, you could periodically ask if they've found any new information on it, and maybe with enough prompting, that might kick things into gear. But if they're being avoidant or dismissive, they're probably dragging their feet on it. Maybe ask them about a reasonable timeline in which they generally get the research completed. 

  • Well, I certainly read the library books I've borrowed because there's a deadline, yet I can't say the same for the books I've bought that are just lying around my house. 

    For the family history research, you could periodically ask if they've found any new information on it, and maybe with enough prompting, that might kick things into gear. But if they're being avoidant or dismissive, they're probably dragging their feet on it. Maybe ask them about a reasonable timeline in which they generally get the research completed. 

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