How patient are you?

I'd like to think I'm a patient person, but probably I'm not. I'm better if I'm given a fixed date or range of dates by which something will be done. What I don't cope well with is a task I've asked to be done with no idea as to the completion date. This is the situation re  family history research I've asked to be done on 2 of my ancestral lines. Research was started on one 41 days ago and the other 102 days ago. The situation is made worse by a lack of progress reports, so I have no idea as to when I might  receive the completed reports. Maybe it's not a long time to wait??

  • I think that I appear to be patient to others, but inside I am impatient. As a boy I made and painted many 'Airfix' model kits, and adults would comment on how patient I must be, but I built them very impatiently, my impatience warring against my perfectionism.

  • my impatience warring against my perfectionism.

    Totally get that. My attention to any kind of detail gives me a tag of being very patient. I can be but as Sporadic said it depends on a lot of things. I don’t have a lot with myself and put ridiculous expectations on myself, it’s a habit of my life so far! 

  • my impatience warring against my perfectionism.

    Totally get that. My attention to any kind of detail gives me a tag of being very patient. I can be but as Sporadic said it depends on a lot of things. I don’t have a lot with myself and put ridiculous expectations on myself, it’s a habit of my life so far! 

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