PIP Tribunal

Hi has anyone got any advice for me about going through a PIP tribunal. I have a date for mine now and I’m really scared about it.

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  • Thank you so much I was really worried cos I did think it was going to be like a court and that i was going to be shouted at. Thank you for explaining what is going to happen. 

  • If you're conjuring up an image of a court room, with a judge wearing a gown and wig, then I can assure you that it won't be anything like that.

    The room won't look anything like the court rooms one sees on TV, but more like an office room. The tribunal panel will sit on one side of a large table, and you will sit on the other side. The tribunal panel will most likely be wearing business suits.

    Think of it as being more like a formal business meeting, or an interview.

    When the panel ask you questions, it is you that will be expected to answer. If you have someone with you, they are permitted to prompt you. However, unless there is a need for them to speak on your behalf, the panel will probably prefer them to keep quiet. Well, that was my experience when I previously attended two tribunal hearings for ESA.

    Good luck!

  • Thanks I’ll definitely look into it I don’t really know what’s going to happen when I get there. 

  • i dunno, a tribunal is something that id have a lawyer for myself as its a legal court sounding thing... if im going to court over anything id absolutely want a fancy talker person speaking for me who is educated on this type of legal talking and can say the right words and respond the right way and knows the steps and wont miss a requirement.

    but i think in cases you always can represent yourself.... if you know how to and how to progress the case and do all the stuff, then if you are capable of speaking in a court infront of people about your case perfectly not missing out important details while cutting out the less important parts so the most important winning points get through.