Where is your safe place?

I'm sure we all have that one place where we feel content and happy. Stress can't get through the door...masking is not necessary.

It is a safe haven, the safe place. 

So where is yours?

Mine is my workshop, out the back of the house and only I go in there. It's complete with my tools, car cleaning accessories, a sink and is heated so I can escape there in the winter time.

I'll generally work on electrics, clocks or car bits when I'm in there. My girlfriend is very good and gives me my space, she knows when I'm in there I need to be on my own as it's that space just for me, just like in her hobby room.

I spent today sorting it out! A busy time but worth it. Grinning

I feel completely safe and happy in this place. To many it looks like an ordinary workshop, to me though it is so much more!

Please feel free to share your own safe place. If you want to share a picture of it feel free to! Grin

  • My home is my safe place. I have my memories here of my loved ones and everything I own like my cds and books. There's also the garden which I love to sit out in and relax. 

    The house is surrounded by tall hedges and an electr gate so I know no one can get in unless I want them to.

    It's always been my safe place here. I'll be sad if I've ever got to leave. 

  • Here's a bit of mine. It's not very tidy right now... 

    BTW, I am familiar with pretty much any oscilloscope made in the early eighties, but that one of yours I do not recognise. Looks fairly decent for it's time, twin trace, and I think I even see a timebase holdoff control but it's no make I recognise. Looks a bit like a cross between Hitachi and Telequipment. Do you mind satisfying my curiosity?

  • Mine is my bedroom, and in my bed really perched up against my headboard my thoughts just run more free when I hit my bed and perch my head my head up like that. It gives me some annexing on the world outside as well.

  • mine is my home but thats being ruined as my feloow flat owners are all landlords and their tenants are all lowlife scum.

    literally had one bang on my door and try start a fight with me after midnight, and today i think the same guy threw a stone or something at my window. and my next door neighbour whos that guys friend is a druggy and likes to take the piss by putting on loud music at night to keep you up and make it so it sounds like its playing in my lounge its so loud and puts washing machine on at night too, and his upstrairs trampy female neighbour supports him because shes thick as pig *** and follows clique crowds and she starts fights with the cleaner and she ha kids but is seemingly ok with my druggy neighbour stinking her entire stairwell up with weed drug fumes which cant be good for her kids but shes thick so supports that.

    so yeah i need to clean house a bit to make my home a safe space, i need to toss these scum out on the sidealk somehow and make them all homeless because they are literal human trash that makes life horrible for everyone around them.

  • My home is my safe place and always has been. Even if I have been out somewhere, felt relaxed and had an enjoyable time, it is always a relief when I'm back in my own home and surrounded by familiar things. It's the one place where I feel I can truly be me, and switch off to the outside world if I don't want to be a part of it.

  • Mine is my bedroom, I just need to get on with getting the new wardrobe doors and decorating done and it will be perfect, even with the ugly light fitting/fan. I thought I'd get rid of the light fitting/fan thing, but then I had a massive hot flush and all is forgiven and it's going nowhere!.