Daughter with ASD says she can NOT sing

Daughter with ASD says she can not sing - not that she is bad at it, that when she tries no noise comes out. Unfortunately as part of her Drama A Level, she needs to be able to for the Audition component. For every other element she is on track to getting a Distinction - should we be asking for an exemption?

  • Has she had any singing lessons? From what you say it sounds like her problem is in breath control, so many people try and sing or shout from thier throats and not from the bottoms of the lungs and all that comes out is a squeek or nothing.

  • Has she had any singing lessons? From what you say it sounds like her problem is in breath control, so many people try and sing or shout from thier throats and not from the bottoms of the lungs and all that comes out is a squeek or nothing.

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