Bearer of Bad News

Hope is missing.

After I returned Home, yesterday, she never came back. My neighbour was out, for her birthday, on Thursday night, and she was bedridden yesterday. Hope was looking food. God knows where she went.

I hope, and pray, someone finds her.

  • I'm not an expert on cats, but have you considered leaving some food outside for her?

    If Hope is anything like the cats in my neighbourhood, I'm sure she will return when she's good and ready... behaving as though butter wouldn't melt, and wondering what all the fuss is about. Relaxed

  • I'm not an expert on cats, but have you considered leaving some food outside for her?

    If Hope is anything like the cats in my neighbourhood, I'm sure she will return when she's good and ready... behaving as though butter wouldn't melt, and wondering what all the fuss is about. Relaxed

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