Bearer of Bad News

Hope is missing.

After I returned Home, yesterday, she never came back. My neighbour was out, for her birthday, on Thursday night, and she was bedridden yesterday. Hope was looking food. God knows where she went.

I hope, and pray, someone finds her.

  • I'm so sorry to hear this.

    Cats can get trapped in the sheds and garages of neighbours as they have a tendency to sleep somewhere out of sight.

    It is worth either asking your neighbours or putting a note in the door.

    If she is microchipped it's possible someone will hand her in to a place that the chip can be read and she could be returned to you.

    There are feeding devices for when you are away - battery operated and the top opens for each meal.

    All the very best with this and please let us know how you get on.

    I just found our cat who had been missing all morning in her cat bed - last place I'd thought of looking!

  • please let us know I am a cat lover I have been lucky as when my cats have gone missing they have returned please do not give up 

  • I'm not an expert on cats, but have you considered leaving some food outside for her?

    If Hope is anything like the cats in my neighbourhood, I'm sure she will return when she's good and ready... behaving as though butter wouldn't melt, and wondering what all the fuss is about. Relaxed