Not finishing things

I never finish anything. 

Lol it's literally like it sounds. I start things and then I just abandon it. I started learning the guitar, stopped after a day. I write, either just for fun or working on a book or assignments...then I just stop.

I think I lose interest or mmaybe it's anxiety that it won't be any good? Anxiety that I'll fail?

Then just now I started making a sandwich and drink and stopped midway through no longer feeling interested in it. This causes me issues at times with self neglect because I don't eat and drink enough... and my school stuff goes unfinished.

Just curious really as to why I'm like this and if anyone else about this site can relate to it. I tell my family and they just stare at me. 

If it's something you do to let me know, would be nice if it's not just a me thing!BlushBlush

  • Yeah, that's common. I only finish things when I set a 'rule' that I have to finish by a certain time, as I am rules/routine based. Whether it's just to set a deadline to complete it, because it has an actual end date like paying a bill, or to force me to finish it. I often look like I am last minute dot com when asked to prepare things for work, but people don't see the hours of thinking and mental connections I am making to distill the information down to something they can follow, so I'm often exhausted before I put pen to paper, or type on that first slide.

    In terms of fun stuff, I knit and crochet to see what happens when I try things, so it's more experimental than 'produce a pair of socks', which I can do as well, but I get bored doing the same thing over. I have one blanket 'to see what would happen' I started 15 years ago and it's been in a box for about 8 years, but I recently started another blanket... distraction by shiny object! Both will get done, but I can't say when that will be.

    Also I'm bad for buying drawing supplies without remembering that I need to practice to use up the supplies I already have! I don't know I am doing it, until I get them home and put them in the now overflowing box.

    Be kind to yourself. Not everything 'needs' to be finished. Try learning 50 instruments until you find the one you like. (Rent them rather than buy?) Listen to several languages before you find one you like the sound of and would like to try learning. Finishing is over-rated, and assumes that no improvements can be made. But I think a lot of what I do can be improved, so I call it 'finished for now'.

  • Yeah, that's common. I only finish things when I set a 'rule' that I have to finish by a certain time, as I am rules/routine based. Whether it's just to set a deadline to complete it, because it has an actual end date like paying a bill, or to force me to finish it. I often look like I am last minute dot com when asked to prepare things for work, but people don't see the hours of thinking and mental connections I am making to distill the information down to something they can follow, so I'm often exhausted before I put pen to paper, or type on that first slide.

    In terms of fun stuff, I knit and crochet to see what happens when I try things, so it's more experimental than 'produce a pair of socks', which I can do as well, but I get bored doing the same thing over. I have one blanket 'to see what would happen' I started 15 years ago and it's been in a box for about 8 years, but I recently started another blanket... distraction by shiny object! Both will get done, but I can't say when that will be.

    Also I'm bad for buying drawing supplies without remembering that I need to practice to use up the supplies I already have! I don't know I am doing it, until I get them home and put them in the now overflowing box.

    Be kind to yourself. Not everything 'needs' to be finished. Try learning 50 instruments until you find the one you like. (Rent them rather than buy?) Listen to several languages before you find one you like the sound of and would like to try learning. Finishing is over-rated, and assumes that no improvements can be made. But I think a lot of what I do can be improved, so I call it 'finished for now'.

  • Setting a rule deadline seems to like a good idea and it works for you and that's super Ok hand 

    Think maybe I'll give this a try to and see how it goes. Maybe knowing it's got to be completed will help with some of the more important things. Defos worth trying at least anyway. I give in way too easily half the time but then that might be my mindset, I was just reading about that so that's given me lots to think about to.
    A lot of the time I think the mental thought and preparation is what puts me off as well because I overthink it and half the time by time it comes to starting I'm exhausted and feeling so meh it sort of loses the appeal. I do get super tired tho it's an issue.
    Aww wow knitting is so cool Slight smile do you make your own clothes? I would love to be able to do that! Sadly I'm not so creative in that way. I'm not good at making things. I'm okay at programming and writing but that's about it. 
    I'm hoping as I get older I'll learn more stuff. 
    Finished for now...that's an awesomely awesome way of thinking about it and I'm definitely going to be using that for myself lol. Okay now I'm going to go get some tea..
    See you later everyone x Slight smile