Not finishing things

I never finish anything. 

Lol it's literally like it sounds. I start things and then I just abandon it. I started learning the guitar, stopped after a day. I write, either just for fun or working on a book or assignments...then I just stop.

I think I lose interest or mmaybe it's anxiety that it won't be any good? Anxiety that I'll fail?

Then just now I started making a sandwich and drink and stopped midway through no longer feeling interested in it. This causes me issues at times with self neglect because I don't eat and drink enough... and my school stuff goes unfinished.

Just curious really as to why I'm like this and if anyone else about this site can relate to it. I tell my family and they just stare at me. 

If it's something you do to let me know, would be nice if it's not just a me thing!BlushBlush

  • Tuesday morning I put some pasta in a pan and turned it on knowing I'd need to go back ten mins later and sort it. Went upstairs carried on working. 

    Went to make a brew a few hours later, water everywhere, pasta dried out overcooked in the pan, hob thankfully had turned itself off, I assume an overheating safety measure kicked in.

    I sometimes get so focused on something else that ends up the reason other things don't get finished. 

    Hobbies I pick up and obsess about madly , then get bored. Very few stay for more than a few months maybe a year. I have sold countless bikes and have 4 guitars left to prove it!

    Sometimes I bore of things when I feel I got as far as I wanted to with them, other times I get stuck and think I can't do more.

    Guess it's all about working out why you don't finish stuff , is it boredom, distraction or something else?

  • Woah! So sorry about your pasta! Tho I completely get this...sometimes I get so absorbed by something I forget everything going on around me. This is one of the reasons why I sometimes don't drink enough. My mind is so transfixed on whatever got my attention it's like it can't compute anything else. 

    Can be annoying, can cause issues like your pasta!

    I'm like that with hobbies as well. Go through loads rapidly but stick with only a couple lol. Sometimes I go back to hobbies I used to have but again they don't last. Guess I get bored or find interest in something else. 

    I guess it can be caused by different things like boredom or I feel I've done enough or it's time for a break... it's just a weird thing. I have this list of unfinished things and it's always getting longer. 

  • I wouldn't be too hard on yourself about it though, I imagine it's how we find our lasting interests and hobbies, by trying some out.

    I'm almost 50 so I have a long list of tried out ones, a loft full of bits of them I didn't sell, including a surfboard, wetsuits, bike parts, guitars, etc.

    I always go back to a bit of lure fishing, so I don't mind spending on that. But I'm careful with others so I don't get too obsessed or waste money on them in case they don't stick.

    I've probably bored a fair few people senseless talking about cars, cycling, fishing, guitars, all sorts over the years, I felt a bit embarrassed about it when I got diagnosed so made an effort to not go on talking about stuff too much, but then it makes us who we are so we shouldn't really hide it.

    As for the other stuff I find using my smart watch to remind me of things Is handy, just setting a timer or a reminder on my phone, wish I'd done that with the pasta, worked out ok though, once Id made a sauce and thrown some meat in the kids enjoyed it! Working from home alone during the week means there nobody to remind me. I'm sure there's an app you can get to help manage these things too. I'd just forget to use it some days :) 

  • Wow nearly 50 that's so cool!! You must have done lots and lots of interesting things! What's your favourite thing you've done? Slight smile 

    When I'm older there's so much I want to do! I always want to do so many things but when it comes to I normally don't do it. I put in loads of time and effort in planning things though! I'm interested in gaming and games, and I've thought of learning to do 3d graphic designing but so far I haven't even tried. 

    Your definitely right you should talk about the things you love and find interesting!! Embrace who you are, be proud. At school I used to try and be like everyone else and try to fit in but since my diagnosis last year I be myself now. I spent so long trying to be like everyone else I felt like I wasn't being true to myself. 

    Everyone should always be true to themselves Slight smile 

    Awesome shout with phone reminders! That's defos something I need to start doing! I let so many things escape me because I'm busy with something else so this would definitely help me out in a mega big way. 

    Thx for the awesomeness suggestion! Ok hand 

  • Wow nearly 50 that's so cool!! You must have done lots and lots of interesting things! What's your favourite thing you've done? Slight smile 

    When I'm older there's so much I want to do! I always want to do so many things but when it comes to I normally don't do it. I put in loads of time and effort in planning things though! I'm interested in gaming and games, and I've thought of learning to do 3d graphic designing but so far I haven't even tried. 

    Your definitely right you should talk about the things you love and find interesting!! Embrace who you are, be proud. At school I used to try and be like everyone else and try to fit in but since my diagnosis last year I be myself now. I spent so long trying to be like everyone else I felt like I wasn't being true to myself. 

    Everyone should always be true to themselves Slight smile 

    Awesome shout with phone reminders! That's defos something I need to start doing! I let so many things escape me because I'm busy with something else so this would definitely help me out in a mega big way. 

    Thx for the awesomeness suggestion! Ok hand 

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