Not finishing things

I never finish anything. 

Lol it's literally like it sounds. I start things and then I just abandon it. I started learning the guitar, stopped after a day. I write, either just for fun or working on a book or assignments...then I just stop.

I think I lose interest or mmaybe it's anxiety that it won't be any good? Anxiety that I'll fail?

Then just now I started making a sandwich and drink and stopped midway through no longer feeling interested in it. This causes me issues at times with self neglect because I don't eat and drink enough... and my school stuff goes unfinished.

Just curious really as to why I'm like this and if anyone else about this site can relate to it. I tell my family and they just stare at me. 

If it's something you do to let me know, would be nice if it's not just a me thing!BlushBlush

  • I can totally related, and I forever start things and get bored quickly or lose interest and give up. As autistic people, we often have a narrow scope of interest and tend to focus on doing certain activities that interest us, and struggle to concentrate on things we're not interested in. 
    I often try things, realise I’m not interested in it and then give up, but I hypofocus on the things I am interested in, such as my Lego. 

    I’m also waiting for an ADHD assessment because of the similar struggles you also have said, so it might be worth you looking into ADHD, as it’s a common co-occurring condition for autistic people.

    Im sorry to hear you’re not getting fully support from school or parents. But you’re certainly not alone with this. 

  • I can totally related, and I forever start things and get bored quickly or lose interest and give up. As autistic people, we often have a narrow scope of interest and tend to focus on doing certain activities that interest us, and struggle to concentrate on things we're not interested in. 
    I often try things, realise I’m not interested in it and then give up, but I hypofocus on the things I am interested in, such as my Lego. 

    I’m also waiting for an ADHD assessment because of the similar struggles you also have said, so it might be worth you looking into ADHD, as it’s a common co-occurring condition for autistic people.

    Im sorry to hear you’re not getting fully support from school or parents. But you’re certainly not alone with this. 

  • I'm sorry this is something you struggle with to but glad it's not just me! I'm still learning a lot about autism and hoping I'll find better ways of dealing with these things. It's definitely the case for me as well if I'm interested in something then I'll be more likely to see it through and give it my full attention.

    I also only do one thing at a time otherwise I can't focus I've been like this all my life! 

    That's mega cool your in to lego! I love lego to! I have a few sets, loads of the minifigure collectibles and play the Lego computer games on my computer. 


    Se like you that's something I always put all my efforts and attention in.

    Good luck with your ADHD diagnosis. I hope you get the answers your looking for. I don't know much about it tbh but I'll look in to it as like my autism it might explain a lot about my situation. 

    Most of my school teachers are pretty understanding actually TG but one or two can be disbelieving unfortunately...But luckily most get it or sympathise.

    I'm hoping as I learn about autism my family will understand it better to. Rn I feel like there still processing it like I am. Hopefully as I learn more they will as well.