Antipsychotics - experiences

Hello, just wondering how many of you take antipsychotics for autism related stuff?

I take Risperidone and whilst it’s certainly helped, I do feel very tired a lot and feel quite flat. I’m on the maximum dose of mirtazapine to counteract that flat feeling (which hasn’t helped much) I do wonder if it’s worth it half the time, contemplating coming off it or reducing it down to 1mg. On 2mg atm. It’s hard, it’s helped with what it was designed to do but caused other issues else where.

so yeah, just wondering how many others take them and Would care to share their experiences of them? I guess I feel like I’m looking through a glass at the world. 

  • I tried risperidone but as you say made me flat it also sort of made me feel dumbed down. Aripiprazole on the other hand is the much better choice in my opinion. Causes euphoric feelings and high/increased libido. Very strong indeed I am aware.

  • I tried risperidone but as you say made me flat it also sort of made me feel dumbed down. Aripiprazole on the other hand is the much better choice in my opinion. Causes euphoric feelings and high/increased libido. Very strong indeed I am aware.
