Antipsychotics - experiences

Hello, just wondering how many of you take antipsychotics for autism related stuff?

I take Risperidone and whilst it’s certainly helped, I do feel very tired a lot and feel quite flat. I’m on the maximum dose of mirtazapine to counteract that flat feeling (which hasn’t helped much) I do wonder if it’s worth it half the time, contemplating coming off it or reducing it down to 1mg. On 2mg atm. It’s hard, it’s helped with what it was designed to do but caused other issues else where.

so yeah, just wondering how many others take them and Would care to share their experiences of them? I guess I feel like I’m looking through a glass at the world. 

  • Thankyou. I will bear that in mind if the psychiatrist agrees to switch, she should do, she said before I could if the Risperidone doesn’t work, so fingers crossed. The dullness and greyness you speak of I can understand perfectly, it’s hard to explain to someone though who hasn’t been on them which can be frustrating cause it’s so hard to describe.  I don’t get much enjoyment anymore, there’s no spark, no ignition, everything is just meh. I’m feeling fairly optimistic though about this aripiprazole though, so Thankyou 

  • Yeh I was the exact same on risperidone. Your welcome. I never thought aripiprazole would help me as much as it has. It’s like life is in colour after being in dull and grey before. Crazy times. Just shows you that there are pills out there that really work. SSRI meds don’t do anything for me either. Glad I tried this but yeh just to let you know it causes impulse issues. People have been known to become addicted to gambling, sex and shopping on these pills. But it’s all about self control. The benefits of this outweigh the negatives for me. I tried stopping it before but I just couldn’t as I went back to my depressed version of myself and felt I would be better taking the risk of side effects any day over being depressed and miserable all the time. But yeh when you first start taking it it might make you feel invincible like you can do anything. But just control yourself when you feel like that and remind yourself to take a few breaths and remember that it’s only the pills making you feel like that. I mean I enjoy the positive effects but I also have the ability to control my self when I feel euphoric as this medication can do. Yeh it’s a very powerful medicine but with great power comes great responsibility. Also don’t take more than your prescribed as this can make you dizzy and lightheaded. Always ask your doctor for any health advice.

  • Thankyou. Yeah I’m not due to see the psych for another 3 months, but I’m gonna try see her before that and ask to swap, I’m just not happy on these ones. 

  • Not familiar with your pills all I would say is the best person is a psychiatrist GPS are good but a psychiatrist really knows their stuff and will dig deep to see what bespoke pills and therapy can work.The one I work with also says it is like a shoe shop you may have to try a few until you find the perfect fit

  • Ooh now that sounds better, my psychiatrist did mention that one as an alternative to try. My libido since being on Risperidone is pretty much non existent. Thankyou so much for replying. 

  • I tried risperidone but as you say made me flat it also sort of made me feel dumbed down. Aripiprazole on the other hand is the much better choice in my opinion. Causes euphoric feelings and high/increased libido. Very strong indeed I am aware.