Is anyone else like this or am I just being mean?

I speak a lot to people online (I'm much more comfortable with this than in person) but sometimes on random days i will just get so internally angry while they are speaking, usually it's while I'm doing something like just recently playing a game while chatting with a friend. I was fine while we were playing together but when we started playing separate games and he kept talking I just wanted to tell him to be quiet and in the back of my head I feel bad because I care about our conversations but sometimes I just need silence. I feel like i get annoyed too easily but this has happened with two of my friends now and I dont know if it's just me, if I'm just a bad person.

Recently I've also been on some new medication and one of its side effects is that it makes me super tired, I dont know if that contributes to it any but it has been worse since I've been on this medication. I just dont want to change how I've been doing stuff because I've been so tired, I literally slept the whole of yesterday away because of it and I hate it.

  • What online game were you playing? Some online games you can disable the private message button. The very last resort is to block the person. Used to play online scrabble, got addictive and someone tried to PM me (claiming from USA); 

    Can you take the new medication at bed time? In 2021 I was prescribed antidepressants and was a zombie. The doctor failed to do a follow-up appointment (later found out the doctor had cancer and retired); my friend said that I may go cold turkey (withdrawal symptoms); now I have herbal and fruit tea.

    Hope this helps you.

    BTW we got similar interests.

  • We were originally playing a game called dead by daylight but I told him I was too tired to continue and switched to Minecraft to relax a bit more but we stayed in a call together I felt bad saying I needed some time to myself.

    The medication period ends tomorrow anyway but this past week has been exhausting for me because of it, I dont know if it's why I might've been so much more moody than usual though. I'm having a follow up about the medication next week to see if it helped or not so I'll probably talk to my doctor about the tiredness then but I'm not sure there is much that can be done about it if the medicine is shown to have helped.

  • I'm having a follow up about the medication next week to see if it helped or not so I'll probably talk to my doctor about the tiredness then but I'm not sure there is much that can be done about it if the medicine is shown to have

    That's a really good idea to mention about the tiredness. 

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