a question about phone calls ♡

hello everyone ♡. i have only just joined because i wanted to ask a question here, so i am very sorry if this is in the wrong place. Sweat

i am not sure of whether this is related to my autism, but does anyone else feel incredibly anxious when people call others on facetime or speaker phone around them? i am fine with people talking to others on the phone around me, but whenever it is out loud/on speaker, i get very anxious and feel the need to leave the room. i don't think it is because of the noise—i thought it might be because it feels like i am suddenly being brought into the conversation as well, a conversation i wasn't ready for, but i am not sure. if anyone else has any ideas or experiences this, i would love to hear from you ♡. thank you so much in advance.

  • Hi, 

    I also get apprehensive about phone calls sometimes. Usually I manage fine but I do occasionally feel nervous and stumble over my words. I think it is partly due to that and that I am more accustomed to texting or emailing. However, phone calls tend to make things easier and dealt with quicker. It might be worth asking someone if they can assist you in making phone calls. 

  • Hi, 

    I also get apprehensive about phone calls sometimes. Usually I manage fine but I do occasionally feel nervous and stumble over my words. I think it is partly due to that and that I am more accustomed to texting or emailing. However, phone calls tend to make things easier and dealt with quicker. It might be worth asking someone if they can assist you in making phone calls. 
