Ordering of chats seems weird

I’m talking about this website. I find the way that chat responses are indented and ordered bizarre. Three are a couple chats that I’d like get involved in but they are well established and I’m never quite sure who has responded to what and I find it hard to know where to post - to which reply. I can see the indentation and time of post but the ordering seems weird. There is no flow. Anyone else? Mods, can this be changed, perhaps in a setting somewhere in my profile?

  • I must admit that when the default was changed to display replies from newest to oldest, it took me a while to get used to it. It's been a while since I last used Facebook, but as I recall if there were replies within replies, one would need to click on a + symbol to read them. If the NAS were to implement something like that on the forum discussions, I feel it might help to alleviate the confusion that some members experience.

  • p.s I wouldn't mind so much but that was 30 Years ago ! 

  • I certainly agree.
    The posts can really be backwards, the problem is it creates conflict between members beacause
    a reply can seem like an insult simply because NAS posts them in the wrong order.
    Example: When i first posted on here i had a driving license, but when i got a reply the next
    Day i hadn't even passed My driving test !  wtf ?

  • Can’t believe I missed that. It’s a big help, thanks

  • By default they're sorted by newest. It can be confusing in nested replies, or if lots of people reply to the same post. There is a way to change the order at the top of the page. Sorting by "oldest" might be less confusing.

  • I feel the same Arise, I find it infuriating at times. If a thread is more than a few days old I don't get involved with it, many of the people who started it will have left or changed their names and any advise or suggestions maybe rendered irrelevant by time. I don't get the thread archeologists, why disinter ancient threads? I also don't like the way that posts can be inserted into the middle of a thread, it makes things disjointed and hard to follow, it also takes ages of scrolling through a thread to look at a new post.


    How does one get PM's on here?


    Oh no the dreaded I word, I'm a very intutitive person normally, but when intuitive is used in conjunction with tech, it usually means unworkable, set up to make people fail and feel stupid. I think what it really means is the intuition isn't there to make things easier for the user, but for the program to follow you about and get in your way, rather like a tired and bored toddler, pulling on it's parents clothing and whinging.

  • I get what You mean, cos i certainly go with the flow....

  • I find it can be hard to read back through older threads and see the order of things correctly.

    I think a lot is to do with how a thread can have "sub threads", because it allows multiple separate replies to the first post, which in turn can be relied to at any time and their replies subsequently replied to and so on. rather than a more conventional single waterfall flow from the first post.

  • The National Autistic Society is currently working on introducing a new community forum, which will I personally also hope will work more intuitively than this one does.

    They've already carried out a user survey, but would welcome any further feedback or suggestions via email to CommunityManager@nas.org.uk

    More info: https://community.autism.org.uk/f/miscellaneous-and-chat/37550/online-community-update

  • Yes, I also noticed that! It would be also good if there was a function (optional) something like a red dot when you get a private message. It happened to me few times that I got pm but did not notice that on time. Only a month later and responded with a big delay and for no response. So it’s not me not wanting to communicate. It’s me not seeing that there is anything and someone wanting to chat. If I don’t want then I just leave it for time when I want. I would suggest that dich option would be optional because maybe some of us would get disturbed by such a red dot or maybe some of us don’t want to communicate in private at all and don’t care if anyone wrote anything or not.